Saturday, 4 September 2010

Tk Maxx - It's a love/hate relationship

So as a rule, i don't like shopping in TK maxx for clothes. I hate rummaging - it takes too long and I tend to get frustrated. Don't get me wrong I have some clothes from there, and I really like them, but I generally cant be bothered with the place. However. When it comes to their make-up and beauty products, I'm all over that place like a rash! I get frantic in the worry that if i don't buy it all I will never have the opportunity again and my life will be that little bit worse - melodramatic, but I feel you understand!
So, as I'm sure you have guessed by now, what I am trying to say is that I bought some make-up... and a cheeky hair mousse! I didn't buy a huge amount, but what i bought i LOVE!

So, the first thing I laid my eyes on were  some single stila eyeshadow for a steal at £3.99!!!! Now they were in pan form which made me think for a bit (obviously not too long - it's a cut throat world at "The Max"!) because it wasn't going to be that practical having them lying about in my collection. But then in the depths of the next shelf, I saw one empty palette left. Now, to me this is a sign, a sign that they were to be mine. So, out of about 4 pan eye shadows I only picked two, I was tempted to get them all, but I realise that I would have just been doing that to fill my palette, and realistically pink eyeshadow is not a look I can pull off. In the end the two I chose were, "Shore" and "Twig", and I love them. As you can see Shore is a beautiful grey/lilac/silver colour which has just the right amount of shimmer whereas Twig is a gorgeous deep mahogany burnt red colour. I have used these both together and let me tell you, they look amazing together!!

My next bargain was in the form of a pre made stila palette. Again, I found this beauty hidden at the back of a shelf of hair stuff, which makes me think someone hid it there to come back and get it later (We've all been there...) I can't deny I don't feel bad about taking it, in fact... I feel great! So, this palette is in "Marrakesh". The eye shadows in this are much smaller than the normal sized ones. While the above ones are just a bit bigger than a £2 coin, these ones are about the size of a penny. Not that I mind, still a great deal at £5.99!
So the colours in this include; (they don't have individual names... or none that I can see anyway) a light frosty pink colour ( I know I said I don't wear pink earlier, but hey, it came in the set!) A slightly more peachy/nude/pink colour, a gorgeous yellow gold, and a colour which looks suspiciously like my new "Twig" colour which i bought separately, perhaps slightly more brown though? I haven't tried these out yet, but I'll be sure to keep you guys posted with what I think of them!

My third find was a NYX palette, now I have never seen NYX in Scotland before but have always wanted to try it out! So when I saw this (again, it was the last one!) I felt it was my duty to purchase it! This was also £5.99. The palette is from the Caribbean collection and is named "I dream of Jamaica", now I think you should take a minute and think about what colours you would expect to be in this palette. Golds? Turquoise? No and No. This turns out to be a neutral palette! I would say it is more suited to be named "I dream of Paris". The set includes a neutral frosty peach, a soft shimmering white, a beautiful taupe colour, a matte grey/brown, and a matte black. Together this makes a very classy and wearable palette!

My final purchase was more bought for the scent than anything, it was an organix foaming coconut hair mousse. I think I paid £3.99 for this. Now, I won't lie, I don't feel it doing any difference to my hair, and realistically it isn't a great mousse. But I do still like it for 2 reasons. 1 - It smells like coconut - this is my favourite smell EVER! 2 - the mousse itself looks like bubbles from a bubble bath! How exciting! For my love of photos sake, here it is -

Overall I am over the moon with my loot! I'm afraid I can't guarantee that your Tk Maxx will have the same goodies, but who knows, yours might have better!

To end this post I will show you a picture of my three palettes set out all pretty :)

Jenni xx

1 comment:

  1. why they do not have the eyeshadows at my tk maxx? -.-
    the colors are so pretty :)

    xo lala
